Posi-Parasite Baby,Chocolate and an Alien Philosophy.

I’ve heard the term “Parasite” used before and always thought that was a kind of derogatory term for a  baby,  but really that’s exactly what the reality is.

An unexpected lifeform is taking over my wifes body,  starting with her boobs and working it’s way down.

Oh and by the way… they continue to amaze?? They just look tiring and they are like lifting small bags of concrete.

We are at 10 WEEKS and in 2 more weeks I get the DVD of the now grape sized parasite in full HD motion. Yippee!

Unlike Alien which wasn’t released in HD the exit is not predicted to be through the chest

For the last two weeks I’ve been in hospital,  so blogging or oggling at the boobies hasn’t really been possible. My appologies,  I intend to do a bit of both to kind of catchup.

So back to week nine…..

It’s nice to be home my three dogs are curled up on their beds and the wood heater is cranking along as it’s the middle of winter here.

Food is now more confusing than ever, it has become the enemy? Anything which isn’t cooked just aren’t appealing, so dinners have been mostly  roast veggies and chicken, with chocolate milk and chocolate on the side.

I think this baby must like chocolate a lot!

With both our mothers knowing, I’d have to say we are counting the days before we are at the safe mark, 12 weeks. This is generally identified as the time when it’s safe to tell the rest of the family

For once I am wrestling with a very alien philosophy, and going against my instincts by wanting to share good news. The difficulty is when it’s  recognised as safe to do so.

Having given exactlly the same advice to my brother in law less than several months ago,  I understand fully why people do share this news,  before this timframe,  however I understand it’s quite fraught with disappointment.

All that to one side.

Everything for us is going swimmingly and we are planning to inform both our families in just under 3 weeks time,  after the 12 week scan.

So I am up for idea’s on how to break the news?

How would you?

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